The Town of Halton Hills has initiated a review of the Hamlet of Norval Secondary Plan. The purpose of the project/study is to review and update the land use designations and policies in the Secondary Plan.
The current Hamlet of Norval Secondary Plan was adopted by Council in 2001 and approved by the Region of Halton in 2003. Issues to be considered as part of the review include:
Stakeholder and public input for the review of the Secondary Plan will be facilitated though the establishment of a Steering Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, public workshops and public meetings. The study will be undertaken in five phases.
To request a copy of any of the below documents please contact the Planning and Development Department.
Study process |
Phase 1 - Background Analysis and Issue Identification (Completed)Phase 1 entails a review of background material to provide a sound basis for decision making. Research will be undertaken to review the existing conditions, current policy framework and transportation and floodplain information available for the Hamlet. Major opportunities and constraints will be identified within the Hamlet and a Discussion Paper will be prepared outlining the findings of the background review. A visioning workshop will be held for stakeholders and the public to:
Phase 2 – Land Use Alternatives (Completed)The second phase of the Study will utilize the background information and public input derived from Phase 1 to develop land use and preliminary policy alternatives for Norval. Alternatives developed will include strategies for integrating the natural heritage system with the community and approaches to the Community Core Area. A Policy Alternatives Paper will be prepared which will then be presented at a Public Workshop. Stakeholders and the public will be asked to provide input on the various alternatives. Phase 3 – Preferred Land Use Alternative (Completed)Building on the work undertaken in Phase 1 and 2, the purpose of Phase 3 is to select a preferred land use alternative. The alternatives developed in Phase 2 will be evaluated in order to select the preferred option. The evaluation will be based on the public input received and the provincial, regional and Town policy context. A recommendation report identifying the preferred alternative will be submitted to Council for approval. Phase 4 – Initial Policy Formulation (Completed)As part of this phase, a revised draft Secondary Plan will be prepared based on the preferred alternative approved by Council as part of Phase 3. In addition, proposed revisions to the Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Heritage Protection Guidelines will be prepared. The draft Secondary Plan and suggested by-law and guideline revisions will be presented to Council for formal authorization for release to the public. The draft Secondary Plan amendment and suggested by-law and guideline revisions will be reviewed at a Public Workshop. All the comments received will be summarized and analyzed in a Public Consultation Paper. Phase 5 – Final Policy (Completed)The proposed Secondary Plan amendment and suggested bylaw and guideline revisions will be revised based on the public input received. The Plan will then be presented at a statutory public meeting of Council. Public and agency comments from the meeting will be summarized as part of a final recommendation report to Council. The recommendation report will present the final recommended Secondary Plan and proposed zoning and design guideline revisions to Council for approval. |
Consultation |
As noted above in the study process, there are three public workshops/meetings and a statutory Public Meeting planned as part of the project. The meeting dates/times/locations and the summaries of the proceedings will be posted on this website. You are invited to attend all of the public sessions to make your views known. A Technical Advisory Committee is being established which includes staff from the relevant Town departments as well as staff from the Region of Halton, Credit Valley Conservation and the Ministry of Transportation. A Steering Committee is also being established which will include members of Town Council, Town Advisory Committees, staff, local residents, landowners and the Region of Halton. The consulting team working on the Study is led by Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. and includes Brook McIlroy Inc., AECOM and W. Scott Morgan & Associates. |
Public Meetings and Open Houses |
If you require copies of any of the unlinked documents, please contact the Planning and Development Department. |
Links to staff reports |
Links to background reports and studies |