What is a penalty notice? |
A penalty notice is a parking ticket issued within the Town of Halton Hills by a parking enforcement officer. |
Why did Halton Hills implement the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) program? |
The Administrative Penalties System (AMPS) was launched to help the strained Provincial Offences Court system by simplifying the process and allowing municipalities such as the Town of Halton Hills to resolve parking violations internally. Keeping parking matters within the crowded court system could result in tickets taking months to resolve. Under the AMPS system, parking matters can be resolved within weeks. AMPS is more effective because:
- The Town can deal with parking violations in a timely manner
- Individuals can continue to exercise their right to dispute the penalty notice by requesting an appointment review of the ticket with a Screening Officer or Hearing Officer
- It allows for better use of court time and resources for more serious matters
How is a penalty notice issued? |
A parking enforcement officer can issue a penalty notice for a parking violation by:
- Affixing it to the vehicle
- Serving it to the driver personally at the time of the violation
I don't agree with the penalty notice I've received, can I dispute it? |
Yes. To dispute a penalty notice, complete the online form and tell us why you think the ticket is invalid, why any fees should be cancelled or reduced, and/or why you need more time to pay the penalty notice. You will have the opportunity to provide evidence such as photographs to support your claims.
If you would to dispute a parking ticket in person, please reach out to the Town's parking coordinator at parkingpermissions@haltonhills.ca or call 905-873-2600, ext. 3030.
Note: Disputed penalty notices are subject to an automatic $10 MTO search fee upon request of review. This additional fee will be applied to your administrative penalty and is due 15 days following the deliver of the screen decision.
How much time do I have to dispute my penalty notice? |
If you believe you have received a penalty notice in error or have special circumstances, you have 15 days from the date you received your penalty notice (ticket) to request a review online. |
What if I missed the deadline to schedule a screening review? |
The Screening Officer may only extend the time to request a review of a penalty notice of an administrative penalty where the recipient demonstrates on a balance of probabilities the existence of extenuating circumstances that warrant the extension of time. For more information, email the Parking department or call 905-873-2600 ext. 3030. |
What happens if I don’t attend my scheduled screening review or hearing review? |
If you do not attend your scheduled appointment, the penalty notice will be affirmed and the vehicle’s registered owner will be required to pay a fee for failing to attend the appointment. The fee for failure to appear at a scheduled screening review appointment is $50 and $100 for a hearing review appointment. |
What if I am not satisfied with the Screening Officer’s decision? |
If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the Screening Officer, you can request a review by a Hearing Officer before the payment due date listed on your screening decision notice. The Hearing Officer’s decision is final. |
Can someone else act on my behalf during a screening review or hearing review appointment? |
Yes. You will need to authorize someone to act as your representative during a screening review or hearing review appointment. Please complete the Authorization to Act as an Agent form and submit by email to the Parking department prior to the scheduled appointment. |
What will happen if I ignore the penalty notice? |
If you do not choose one of the options listed on the back of your penalty notice, the Town of Halton Hills will assume you have decided not to dispute the penalty notice and you may be required to pay additional administrative fees. Additionally, if the penalty notice and administrative fees remain unpaid, a notice of default will be sent to the Ministry of Transportation which will result in your Ontario Vehicle Permit renewal being denied. |
My penalty notice is past due notice, now what? |
If your penalty notice is past due, this means that the Town of Halton Hills has not received payment of the penalty notice or you have not requested a screening review appointment before the deadline. You are no longer eligible to request a screening review appointment. Immediate action must be taken to avoid additional administrative fees. For more information, please email the Parking department or call 905-873-2600 ext. 3030. |
I just received a final notice, now what? |
If you have received a final notice, this means that the Town of Halton Hills has not received payment of the parking ticket or penalty notice. You must take action to avoid paying at the Ministry of Transportation when you renew your Ontario Vehicle Permit. |