Our Development Review Section is a team of professional land-use planners and other staff members who are responsible for the processing and review of applications filed under the Planning Act.
It is our goal to process all applications in a timely manner while ensuring that any development proposals are consistent with Council’s vision for the municipality. This section provides services to Council, the general public, and the development industry. Our services include:
Providing Council with professional planning recommendations through written reports and presentations on proposed Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision and Condominiums, and Removal of Part Lot Control Requests. Similarly, we provide the Committee of Adjustment with professional planning recommendations on Minor Variance and Consent (land severance) Applications.
Administration of a no-fee Pre-Consultation service which is available to anyone who would like to submit a development application under the Planning Act. The goal of this service is to ensure that the formal application can be processed efficiently, and that decisions are made as quickly as possible.
Processing and making staff-level decisions on applications that do not require Council approval, including Site Plan Control Applications, and extensions of approved subdivisions and condominiums. Some Consent Applications can also be approved in this manner.
Commenting on applications that are not in the Town of Halton Hills’ purview for approval, such as those submitted to the Region of Halton, the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and other governmental bodies and agencies.
Defending Council decisions on Planning Applications before the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT – formerly the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal).
Organizing and holding public meetings and presentations to ensure that the public, Council, and the development industry are informed and up-to-date on major developments in our community.
If you have any questions about the Town of Halton Hills’ Development Review process, or to inquire about making a development application, please contact the department of Planning and Development. If your inquiry is related to zoning, permitted uses and zoning standards for future construction, please contact rpurdy@haltonhills.ca
Minor variance and Consents (severance) |
Please visit the Committee of Adjustment page for details. |
Part-lot control |
Part Lot Control prevents the further division of land in a registered Plan of Subdivision. The Planning Act permits local municipalities to pass by-laws to exempt lots or blocks within registered Plans of Subdivision from Part Lot Control, so further subdivision of individual lots or blocks can take place. These by-laws do not require the approval of the Committee of Adjustment. Examples of exemption from Part Lot Control would be a townhouse development or lots with semi-detached dwellings. |
Pre-consultations |
Pre-consultations are available for anyone who would like to submit a major Land Development Applications to us. This service is intended to improve an application’s chance of approval, and ensure that it is processed quickly and efficiently. |
Site plan approval |
We require Site Plan Approval for all Industrial, Commercial and Institutional developments, as well as certain Residential developments such as apartments and townhouses. A Site Plan Application must include information such as land usage, structures, parking, landscaping, and other details. If we cannot reach an agreement, the owner of the lands included in the Site Plan Application can appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). Neighbours and other agencies cannot appeal. |
Subdivisions and condominiums |
The Regional Municipality of Halton is the approval authority for Draft Plans of Subdivisions that were submitted before January 1st, 1999. We are the approval authority for all Draft Plans of Subdivisions submitted after that date. |
Official plan amendments |
The Official Plan is a land-use strategy for the areas within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Halton Hills. The goal of the plan is to maintain the unique character of our community. When a landowner submits a proposal that does not conform with the Official Plan, then an Official Plan Amendment is required. Town Council or the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) must approve any amendment to the Official Plan. |
Zoning by-law amendments |
Zoning by-laws describe the types of land-use permitted on properties, such as structures, parking and landscaping. A Zoning By-law Amendment is a request to change land-use as it is described in the current Zoning By-law. For questions regarding the zoning of a property, please contact Building Services. |